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Comfy Tesla Model Y bed

Tesla Model Y Camping Bed

This post details the modification of a camping bed for the Tesla Model Y, addressing challenges such as the slope in the car and the seat backs that do not fold flat. The author shares their recommended bedding setup and describes the modifications made to the seat mechanism. They also provide information on the supplies used for the modification.

Let Batteries Live Longer – Sonoff S31 with Tasmota for charge limiting

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The post provides a detailed guide on how to modify a Sonoff S31 device to limit battery charging and extend the lifespan of lithium batteries commonly used in devices like phones, laptops, and tools. This DIY hack requires some soldering and code loading: it automates the turning off of device chargers before the battery reaches full charge. The modified S31 works independently and does not require a WiFi connection. The post also includes specific scripts for various devices and comprehensive steps for loading and testing these scripts.

Tesla HPWC Hot Plug Fix

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Back in 2019 Tesla offered a 40 Amp High Power Wall Connector with a NEMA 14-50 plug. Unfortunately some of these had suboptimal welds from the cable to the terminals causing the plug to get warm. Fortunately Tesla has built… Read More »Tesla HPWC Hot Plug Fix

Shopping List

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Yes, just boring Text… This post is a place to save links to products that I’m buying, usually on Amazon for my projects or in preparation for reviews. —————– Model 3 Towing Related:Tekonsha 119250 Trailer light wiring Adaptor for Model… Read More »Shopping List